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Virtual Domain-driven design

Dec 22, 2020

Just before all the holidays start we are closing this year virtual Domain-driven design meetups with the last meetup. So grab your drinks (tea, lemonade or anything you want!) and come join with your DDD questions to this Ask us anything party! We have invited several people from the community who will join an...

Nov 30, 2020

From twitter:
Using collaborative modelling to build a shared understanding of your domain and use it to guide your design _is_ the philosophy behind DDD though. The rest is the principles, patterns, and practices. But perhaps just doing EventStorming...

Nov 11, 2020

There has been a lot of fuzz around the topic of test-driven development; some find it useful; some don't see any value in it. You also have different flavours like Detroit being inside-out, or London going from the outside-in. And then you have people saying TDD is about testing or is it a design tool? In this session,...

Sep 30, 2020

The recent COVID-19 pandemic forced us DDD practitioners to move our collaborative modelling efforts to the remote world. Within collaborative modelling, we want to share all the information we have, all the different perceptions, even if they might look weird, quirky or invalid at the start. Only then can we design and...

Sep 23, 2020

Collaboration in remote meetings doesn’t have to be difficult, learn how to make it effective, enjoyable and valuable. Join us for a panel discussion and see how we as a DDD community can improve our remote collaborative modelling sessions from Kirsten Clacey and Jay-Allen Morris, authors of The Remote Facilitator’s...