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Virtual Domain-driven design

Jan 3, 2023

As the relational complexity of software increases, we need, more than ever, smart architecture. Domain-aligned, team-decoupling, cohesiveness-driving, constantly evolving architecture has a massive positive impact. To design systems, we need to evolve the role of “architect” away from the dualistic most-experienced...

Sep 30, 2020

The recent COVID-19 pandemic forced us DDD practitioners to move our collaborative modelling efforts to the remote world. Within collaborative modelling, we want to share all the information we have, all the different perceptions, even if they might look weird, quirky or invalid at the start. Only then can we design and...

Apr 8, 2020

The power of collaborative modelling comes from having a diverse group of people who, together, have a lot of wisdom and knowledge. You would expect that all this knowledge will be put to use, co-creating, and to design a model. In reality, we don’t actually listen to all the available input and perspectives due to...

Mar 18, 2020

Language is a big topic in the Domain-Driven Design community. We want to have small bounded contexts, each with there own ubiquitous language. Having many ubiquitous languages means having a lot of translation between the bounded context. And having many translations means we can get lost. So what is the nuance...

Jan 17, 2020

It all started with a tweet by John Cutler <>. And it seemed that a lot of people from these communities learned a lot from each other. And we would love to learn more about different areas of overlap. It seems like goals and culture are aligned in both communities.